
Wisconsin Green Building Alliance |
Alliance of Wisconsin Builders, Architects & Suppliers. |
Green Directory - directory of products, consultants, and other Wisconsin resources. |

Oikos - Green Building Resources |
Database of products and resources for sustainable design and construction. Oikos is a greek word meaning house. Oikos serves as the root for two english words: ecology and economy. |

Renew Wisconsin |
A network of clean energy businesses, educators, utility mangers, builders, farmers, state agency officials, environmental advocates, and concerned citizens promoting clean energy strategies--conservation and energy effciency, renewable energy, and low-emission distributed generation--for powering the state's economy in an environmentally sound manner. |

Architecture 2030 - Climate Change Challenge |
Organization founded by Architect Ed Mazria, author of the groundbreaking 1979 Passive Solar Energy Book, to dramatically reduce emissions and the impact of buildings on the environment. |