Thomas Brown, Architect



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Schematic Design


This phase involves the program development for the building and the preparation of one or more conceptual layouts. The level of detail is minimal and a number of options are explored to better focus the direction of the project. This phase typically represents 30% of the overall fee.


Preliminary Design


This phase involves the exploration of the selected schematic design concept in greater detail, culminating in the preparation of drawings of the proposed building to scale, including floor plans and exterior elevations. Basic site configuration is also established, along with an indication of major materials for the building. This phase typically represents 30% of the overall fee.


Construction Documents


This phase involves development of the accepted preliminary design into a buildable structure. Structural and energy options are finalized, along with material and system decisions. This phase typically represents 20% of the overall fee.


Construction Observation


This phase involves the bidding process and observation during construction. The involvement of the Architect can vary widely, depending on the owner's wishes and whether a design/build contractor is involved. Involvement can range from minimal State-required certification that the structure substantially conforms to code, to frequent construction inspections by the Architect and coordination of construction-related activities on behalf of the owner. This phase typically involves 20% of the overall fee.













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